The Mission of AIM-TN is to empower communities through strategic youth development programs, health and wellness initiatives and community service events, while partnering with the corporate community to effectively generate change.
The Achievement Initiative of Middle TN (AIM-TN) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded on a unique approach to strengthening Middle TN communities. We believe that our framework of implementing and executing youth and community initiatives while emphasizing youth engagement, can help communities realize sustainable generational change.
Helping Make a Difference
AIM-TN is sincerely thankful for the support from the numerous strategic partnerships developed over the years.
Ken Woodard
President and Board Chair
success of our youth, health and community development initiatives that are
producing positive change throughout middle TN communities.
The Achievement Initiative of Middle TN (AIM-TN) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded on a unique approach to strengthening Middle TN communities.
About Us
Press Center
548 Market St
PMB 81689
San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: (415) 441-0706